March 24, 2014

Norway - the Arctic Cathedral

Tour to Norway Arctic. Day 04 Tromsø - The Arctic Cathedral

Over the bridge from the city to the community Tromsdalen we can see the distinct profile of Tromsdalen Church - mostly called The Arctic Cathedral. (Also this photo from my stop on the Northern bound coastal express). Photo from 14.14 in the afternoon.

Some more from wiki:
The Arctic Cathedral, formally known as Tromsdalen Church, is a church in the city of Tromsø in Troms county, Norway. The church is commonly nicknamed the Ishavskatedralen, literally "The Cathedral of the Arctic Sea" or "Arctic Cathedral". The church was built in 1965 in the Tromsdalen valley and it is a parish church and not, in fact, a cathedral as it is commonly called.

The church was designed by the architect Jan Inge Hovig and is built mainly of concrete.The church is probably the most famous landmark in Tromsø, although Tromsø does have another church of interest, Tromsø Cathedral, which is noted for being the only wooden cathedral in Norway.

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